Monday, April 16, 2012


HAPPY BIRTHDAY To our beautiful Karrie Berrie Bean Blossom!!
We were so blessed on April 9, 1955 when our beautiful Karen Deanne Beardall Mendenhall entered this world. Karen has always been a great joy and blessing to our family. She was born with a smile on her face and has been a happy, cheerful wonderful daughter ever since.
Karen is our peacemaker in the family, never says an unkind word to anyone, always looks for the good in others, always wants us all to get along and be happy. I believe that "Be Happy" is her motto for life. We love you Karen, thanks for being our shining light of happiness.


James Barry Beardall Becky BeardallGelderloos
It has been too long since I updated my blog and story so today is the day~!!! 1968 was the year, and April 16 was the day, so long ago! Bernell and I headed for St George to the Dixie Hospital, we were going to have a baby. We arrived and were all prepared to go to the delivery room for the big occasion. I had delivered a 7 + lb baby boy when Dr. Last told us there was something amiss and he was checking to see what the problem was, 10 minutes later he announced that there was another baby waiting to be born. It was then that a 7+ lb. baby girl decided to join our family. What a miracle we were witnessing this day!! Not one but two prefectly healthy babies for us! Dr. Last had previously told Bernell that there was a possiblilty that we would not have a normal nor live baby and that we should prepare ourselves for that. We were blessed to deliver twins, both beautiful, healthy and big babies, so today April 16th we celebrate them. What a joy they brought into our lives.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

moving to the "straightline" we had a very small home but it was home and we all
began to heal. In this location in springbille the were two "hollows" or I guess
it would be like small canyons. One was called big hollow and was near the
Evergreen Cemetary. The other was called little hollow and it was south of big
hollow and just a short way above, or East of our little home. as kids we all
had alot of fun exploring little hollow and making forts, tree houses, and
played lots of fun games there. In the winter we went sleigh riding down the
hills of little hollow. We also went ice skating in the ponds that were natural
water holes for cattle. The ponds were north of us and by Diane Childs
home.I had some very good friends out on the straightline. some of them
were, Arlene Boren, my best friend, Bonnie Backus, Diane Childs, Utahna
Sorenson, Elaine Ence, Jeannine Watts, and Billy Clark. We all hung around
together clear from about third grade through high school. Great friends.
Posted by at 7:17

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I may have
found a way to continue my story blog.My children have ask that I give
the details of the tragedy of what happened surrounding my sister Sue's death.
It is tramatic and therefore I do not want to offend anyone, only to tell the
story. One day when everything in our family life was going along quite
well and we were all happy, my Dad had gone to work, my Mother had gone to Salt
Lake City to see Grandma Johnson, and we kids were left home to care for each
other. Sue was 12 and was old enough to look after us. as we were playing one of
my brothers was snooping in the closet and looked up on a shelf that they had to
climb up to, just to see what was up there. He found my dad's 45 caliber pistol
and the bullets to it. we all played with that gun all that day. when my parents
arrived home that night I knew I should tell them what we had found. We were so
happy to see them and have mama share about grandma that I forgot to tell them.
The next day the gun was again present in our playing around. We all decided
to play cops and robbers, my brothers lined up the robbers, Jim, Sue and Me. the
cop was holding us by pretending he was pointing the gun at us.The gun went
off as it was being waved around, it struck sue in the chest. she whirled around
it seemed like several times, blood was spraying everywhere around the room and
she was calling "help me, help me". Jim and I were so scared of what was
happening we ran and hid in the next room behind the dresser. We knew we could
not stay there so I ran back into the room where Sue was, she was sitting up
asking for help, I ran over to her to hold her and got there just as she fell
over. Blood was spurting from her mouth, nose, ears. and chest, it was
everywhere.By this time our neighbor had heard the shot and came running
over to see what was going on. when he saw us all spattered with blood, he ran
into the house and saw the scene with Sue. He immediately took us over to his
house to his wife. she cleaned us up as best she could while he talked to us to
find out where our parents were. (they had gone to an afternoon movie in Provo).
He took Richard and myself and went looking for mama and daddy. when we found
them I went in to tell them to come home, at first they didn't want to come but
said they would come when the movie was over. It was then I told them Sue had
been shot, they came and left so fast that they forgot Richard and myself and we
rode home with Mr. Springer. (our Neighbor). when we all got home and went into
the house Sue was still there lying in a great pool of blood on the floor. My
poor mother was beside herself and was screaming and crying over what was
happening.I guess my dad and Mr. Springer called the Mortuary to come
and they came and took Sue away. Then mom and I were mopping up sue's blood and
putting it in a big pan, we would take it outside and go up the hill where we
poured it out by a large bush. It took several trips to get it all cleaned up.
After it was cleaned up by then Grandma from Springville, and some of the other
relatives begin to arrive. This was when aunt Frieda and Uncle Dick arrived and
took me back to Salt Lake City with them. I do not know where Richard and Jim
were taken nor where mamma and daddy went. I did not see them again until Sue's
funeral.At the viewing that was held at my Springville grandma's house I
did not feel comfotable going to the coffin to see Sue. It scared me and I felt
really upset over everything. Grandma johnson from SLC, took me by the hand and
insisted I tell Sue goodby. I did not want to do it. so she picked me up and
took me to the coffin, she pushed my head down and made me kiss Sue goodby, I
was so frightened theat I do not remember anything after that. I probably went
and hid somewhere. I just do not know. Within a week we had moved from
"Ironton" out south of Springville to the "Straightline" it was a good place to
live and we began to heal from our tragedy.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Karter Beardall's Eagle Scout Court of Honor

Sunday February 19, 2012 Karter Beardall recieved his Eagle Scout Award. Congratulations Karter you made it and you finished strong to get this award. we are proud of you and your accomplishments. Kudo's to Barry and Teresa, (Karter's parents) for their assistance, patience and love for you. It was a great court of honor.
In the photo is Barry, Teresa, Kenzie, Kalin, & Karter.

Today Is A Special Day

Today is a special day for it is My first born son's Birthday!!! I t was a cold, bright winter morning in Roy, Utah when Daniel John Beardall decided to make his appearance. It was 55 years ago when I woke Bernie and told him to get ready for a trip into Ogden, Ut to the St. Benedicts Hospital, we were going to have a baby and he had better hurry. We barely made it to the emergency room and he was coming. I was rushed up to OB where Dan made his appearance at 9:30 Am. He was a whopping 8 lb. 9 oz. we were thrilled to have our boy. He had two older sisters waiting patiently at home to welcome him. Genalee and Karen were as happy as we were.
Dan has been a light in our family from that day forward. He has always been our stalwart, one we leaned on, loved, looked up to son. How we do love him.
A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY Daniel John Beardall, you are loved this day always and forever.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Little House

I should probably fill you in on the small house we moved into out on the "straightline". It was really small, a kitchen, living room, bedroom and bath. it also had a small room where coal was stored for the old wood kitchen range.It was a basement home that Hutchings had built and were going to finish it with a floor being built on when one of their sons grew up and got married. Well they decided to rent it to our family in the meantime. The kitchen was small and had the big old wood stove that we cooked on, heated water on and bathed in a washtub in front of the oven. there was a sink where we did everything. Washed the dishes, prepared meals, washed our hands and faces before school, brushed our teeth. etc. It had a small drop leaf table that served for everything too. we ate from it. did school work there, ironed our clothes there. a small cupboard that we used for the dishes and pans.
Then there was the bedroom that had just enough room for a full bed, a set of bunkbeds for Richard and Jim, a chest of drawers, one drawer for each of us (5) and my dad put up a piece of pipe in the corner for us to hang a few clothes on. (mostly his) Then in the living room we had a small couch that I slept on, a bookcase, dad's desk, a cabinet radio, and another small oil stove for heat. In the bathroom it was hardly a real bathroom, it had shelfs for food storage, a place for the old hand crank washer, and a toilet. later my dad jerry rigged a very small shower for us.
I have to tell you I was scared to sleep at night most of the time because I was afraid the Japanese would come back and get us and there was only one way down the stairs and that was the only way out of the house, so many nights I would stay awake and just watch those stairs.
After a few years there the house began to leak water into it in the winter time. It was because the ground could not drain the water away from the house. When we got home from school it was we three's job to clean up all the water in the house and dry the floors. Since there was not heat in the house during the day, we also had to take wood and coal in and make a fire in the old kitchen range. We would use a big scoop shovel to gather the water and shovel it into the toilet, then we would mop up what was left and hope the heat from the stove would dry it out before our mom and dad got home from work. One day when we was shoveling the water we missed and hit the side of that old toilet and the bowl of it broke clean into. We were in real trouble when our dad got home, and sure enough we were! He really let us have it, with the old razer strap and alot of words I won't use here. so now we were also with no toilet and had to use the privy out in the back yard.
Life was not always pleasant back then, we did not know different and thought everyone lived that way. NOT!!! Our ages were Richard 11, Me 9, Jim 7. We grew up fast during those hard years. We did not have much time to fight between us, we were too busy just keeping everything together. Such a blessing to have had good friends and neighbors that accepted us even tho they never knew how bad things were.
Sometimes it seemed like the hardships really molded us into being compassionate and good human beings.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Birthday Update. 76 Years Old!

I had a great 76th Birthday, the only thing that could have made it better would have been to have my children who are far away be able to be here with me. I started the day off by going to Curves with my good friend Joan Hillier, it was a good workout.
Then I came home and got ready, went down to St. George, to the LDS Temple and spent the morning there.
At noon Genalee, Karen and Barry took me to my favorite spot for lunch. We went to the Main Street Cafe and had turkey sandwiches. Mmmmm Good. That afternoon my friend Vicki and I rode up to Zion Park, just visited and caught up on each other's families. A really enjoyable day was had. When I got home Bernell and I went down to Wendy's for dinner and had a salad and a hamburger.
That evening my neighbor Toni came over to visit and while she was here we got a surprise visit by our ganddaughter Courtney who had come down to see her boyfrien in St. George. Then Barry's family all came over for a visit. All in all it was a great birthday. Thanks everyone for the calls, the visits, the hugs, and all the good wishes.

Awe, the fun of long summer days, and school good times.

I pretty well breezed through grade school, then the summer between sixth and seventh grades i went to work picking cherries, apricots, and raspberries. I worked really hard that summer. I also grew about a foot in height, I really slimmed up from all the work. When I went into seventh grade even my friends hardly knew me because of the change. In jr. high school I enjoyed running track and could beat every boy in my grade. That did not do much for popularity with them however. Guess I didn't care much about boys yet anyhow, so I went on and played tennis. I really liked tennis because I had a great teacher, Mrs Barron, she always went the extra mile for her students. I joined Seminary and I really like it.
We had home rooms in seventh grade, my home room teacher was a tiny little old lady, Miss Finley, she was a great teacher too. Some of my other very good teachers were Mrs Huntington in English, Mr. Larsen in math, Mr. Tew in Seminary. I had good friends on the "straightline" and we got together often to study, play games and hang out together. Two of our friends were Paul and Robert Hutchings, that summer Paul got really sick and his kidney's failed, he died just before school started when he was only 14 years old. It was a great loss to all of us on the straightline. Paul was the one that taught me to ride a bicycle, milk their cows, pitch and tromp hay, feed the chickens and was a close and good friend. I remember a time after we had helped haul the hay, (this was when it was hauled loose on a trailer and had to have someone on the trailer to tromp in down so it would stay on) there was Paul, Richard, Jim, Robert, me, Arlene, & Willie, we were all helping get that darn hay in and were really tired. after Mr. Hutchings had gone into the house, all of us kids decided to make tunnels through the hay,so we did, not a good thing to do!!! Mr. Hutchings came out and found what we were doing and yelled at us, then made us restack that darn hay so it would compact for the winter feed. THEN we were really tired and just went home because it was almost dark. (But it was really fun to make the tunnels so we could hide in them.)

Friday, January 27, 2012

My Mother January 4, 2012
I thought since I had told you a little about my dad that I should also tell you about my Mother.
My Dad went by the name of Bill and my Mother went by the name of Jenny, She was a quiet, soft and kind lady. My mom was an excellent seamstress and when she worked, (except during the war) she was a Tailor for Utah Woolen Mills in Salt Lake City. She made all our families clothes including coats, boys suits, dresses and anything else we needed. All were made to perfection. In fact all she did was always done to perfection. During World War 2 while my Dad was gone, Mama moved all of us in with her cousin and their family. We were crowded and it was ok because we always had someone to be close to. Times were hard back then and we lived mostly on S&H Green stamps. These were stamps the government gave each family so they could buy sugar, flour, gas, tires for cars and other things. All of the products we could buy were rationed by the government and they were in scarce supply. when we did not need our stamps for things like car tires, we could trade them to someone who needed tires for their stamps for sugar, coffee, or other things we needed. We made it through the War years by surviving. My Mother was very frugal and could make do with almost anything. Through it all she remained positive, kind, thoughtful of our needs, and those of her parents. We were blessed beyond belief during those hard years. Later she went to work for some of the finest Men's stores in Salt Lake City and in Provo doing alterations on men's suits. (During the War Years mama went to work in an Arms Plant in SLC, amking ammunition for the war effort.)

I have to tell you about the blackouts during the war. In all Western large cities it was manatory for people to block the windows of their homes so no light would shine out at night. In Salt Lake City everyone would block the windows at night. It was common place for air raid sirens to go off and scream all over the Salt Lake Valley if there was any indication that there might be any incoming airplanes that could be enemy planes. Sometimes we would hear them at night, when we did all lights had to be turned off in the house. The City became totally dark. I remember times when this happened that we would block the windows, turn off the lights, and turn on a small radio searching for news. When we did this we would huddle around the radio and hide the small orange light it gave off for fear that it could be seen outside. When these very loud sirens would go off it was very scarry for we young children, (we were 9, 7, I was 5, and 3) I remember hiding and crying from being so scared of them, I had nightmares for years well into my teen years because I was still afraid the Jap fighter planes would come and bomb us. Thanks to my very kind Mother, who always tried to comfort us, I did get passed being so afraid.

My Siblings, One and all.
No blog would be complete without telling you about my sister and two brothers. Sue, as we called her was the oldest of the clan. She was a good sister, liked to take charge of us all and often did. Sue was a quiet child and never made waves with mamma and daddy. It is hard to remember alot about her as she left this life way too soon. Next in line was Richard, he was always full of life and had new things to try, do or make up. He was good at fixing almost anything or building something from almost nothing. Richard was a big tease and I am sure he kept me crying alot of the time. Then I am next in line and after me came my younger brother Jim. I felt really close to him because we got along well and thought alot alike. I am sure there will be many more times that the reader will be introduced to all of us as we weave our way through this lifetime.

January 2, 2012
My dad worked hard when we were little and when he would get paid he would bring his money home in cash, we would all sit around the kitchen table and decide together where we could spend the money. Theere would be a pole for rent, one for food, one for the lights etc, he always paid tithing and would try to have enough left to take us down to Snelgroves for and ice cream cone. Life was so good back then, we grew together, and for the most part were happy and content.

December 7th, 1941, the news said Japan had just bombed Pear Harbor. I was four years old and I remember very well the next day the FBI came and took aways our beloved landlords, the Bargeer's. We were told that they were taken to a concentration camp in Utah's west desert. They were only allowed to take a suitcase and thier clothes they had on. We cried of course but they took them anyway, we never heard from them again.

My father was a pilot and had helped to set up the first Civil Air Patrol in the State of Utah. they were know as the CAP and were called to active duty soon after the start of World War ll. Daddys job with others, was to fly and patrol the borders of the United States and watch for any enemy that may attack our borders. He was stationed to fly the coastline in the Gulf of Mexico. They did not have big sofisticated planes back then and most of the ones in his patrol were small aircraft, usually double wingers and open cockpit.They would have planes in the air 24 hours a day, seven days per week. someone was always up there. Many times he would fly over the gulf at 100' above the water, looking for enemy submarines that could be under the water in the gulf. On one early morning pass they spotted a sure enough submarine. They had no radio contact back then with other pilots nor the land. so they did what they knew they must do and dropped a bomb on the submarine destroying it at once. They were credited with saving the coast that day for he had bombed a japanese sub.. We were so blessed to have him be able to come home safely much later.
Posted by Carole's Story at 2:57 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook2 comments:
AnnJan 3, 2012 05:39 AM
Mom, was grandpa actually in the military or did he act as a civilian air patrol for the whole war? If he was military at any time can you let me know? Was he awarded for sinking the sub? It would be interesting to try to trace what happened to the Bargeers. That is very sad.
Carole's StoryJan 4, 2012 10:12 AM
Ann we tried to trace Bargeer's but there were few records kept of the people intered at those camps and we found nothing. Grandpa was a civilian flying with the CAP during the War, he did become a 2nd Leutinant in the Air Force after the War and I believe he was awarded a medal for his bravery. however who knows where it went. I do not have it nor did Jim or Richard.

New Years Day, January 1,2012
I promised some of my children I would write my story for them. so this is the beginning of Carole's Story.
Having been born of Goodly parents on a cold and wintery night in Salt Lake City, Utah on f\February 2, (Ground Hogs Day, no less) 1936 I entered the family of William (Bill) Richard Devenish and Emma Genevieve Johnson. I am the third child having an older sister, Essie Mae or "Sue" as we always called her and an older brother, William Richard Devenish, Jr. 2 years later a younger brother was added to the family, James Merrill Devenish.

I told my children I would write the good, the bad and the funny life I have had, so with some of my earliest memories that I personally can remember here goes.

Some of my earliest memories are of playing with and enjoying my siblings, I remember a time when "Poor old grandpa and Poor old grandma came to stay with us and grandma would take me on her lap and rock in the rocking chair with me, grandpa walked around the house on his cane. These were my Grandma Johnson's parents and they were old.

I remember that we lived upstairs in an old farm home on East 21st south, the home belonged to a german couple by the namd of Bargeer. I really life Mrs Bargeer because she would let us go out with her to feed her animals. She had ducks, geese, rabbits, chickens and goats. The goats were my favorites because they would climb everywhere and would play with us. During this time my parents had an old car and daddy would take us to Liberty Park for picnics that momma had fixed, and that would be our entertainment for the week.
Posted by Carole's Story at 3:05 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook2 comments:
GLWallaceJan 2, 2012 06:39 PM
A great start Momma. I look forward to reading all the good, the bad, and the funny. I love you with all my heart and am proud of your courage in making this step not just for us but for yourself.
AnnJan 2, 2012 08:21 PM
I am so glad you are doing this for us and for you. I look forward to each and every entry and know that it will help us understand and love you even more than we already do. You are the best mom and the best person and the best role model in the world. I love you and support you in your journey.

continuing my story here, stay tuned.

Good way to start the New Year of 2012
Loved I'm sharing it. Stole it from a friend.
This little quote is one reason I want to share my life story with my family. Thanks Kathy for posting this.

Loved I'm sharing it. Stole it from a friend.
Welcome to Flight #2012. We are prepared to take off into the New Year. Please make sure your Attitude and Blessings are secured and locked in, in upright position. All self destructive devices should be turned off at this time. Should we lose Altitude under pressure, during the flight, reach up and pull down a Prayer. Prayers will automatically be activated by Faith. Once your Faith is activated you can assist other passengers. There will be NO BAGGAGE, allowed on this flight. The Captain has cleared us for takeoff... Destination GREATNESS!!!
Posted by Carole's Story at 7:34 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook1 comments:
AnnJan 6, 2012 07:42 AM
Love it! You are now clear for take off on runway The Sky's the limit!