Monday, April 16, 2012


HAPPY BIRTHDAY To our beautiful Karrie Berrie Bean Blossom!!
We were so blessed on April 9, 1955 when our beautiful Karen Deanne Beardall Mendenhall entered this world. Karen has always been a great joy and blessing to our family. She was born with a smile on her face and has been a happy, cheerful wonderful daughter ever since.
Karen is our peacemaker in the family, never says an unkind word to anyone, always looks for the good in others, always wants us all to get along and be happy. I believe that "Be Happy" is her motto for life. We love you Karen, thanks for being our shining light of happiness.


  1. Thanks mom, If I can only live up to the things you said about me I will be doing good. I wish I never spoke a bad word about anyone...but if you think that, I better step up to the plate and live it. I love you to, and thanks for bringing me into this world, I hope I can make a difference through the life I lead!

  2. Mom, you did good with this one. I am so thankful to have such a good roll model, as we all know I am the one that likes to get in there and punch it out with people, Karen has always been a tempering factor for me as I try to follow her example of doing unto others. You did good on all your daughters, each of us are strong in our own things. You are an awesome mom!
