I pretty well breezed through grade school, then the summer between sixth and seventh grades i went to work picking cherries, apricots, and raspberries. I worked really hard that summer. I also grew about a foot in height, I really slimmed up from all the work. When I went into seventh grade even my friends hardly knew me because of the change. In jr. high school I enjoyed running track and could beat every boy in my grade. That did not do much for popularity with them however. Guess I didn't care much about boys yet anyhow, so I went on and played tennis. I really liked tennis because I had a great teacher, Mrs Barron, she always went the extra mile for her students. I joined Seminary and I really like it.
We had home rooms in seventh grade, my home room teacher was a tiny little old lady, Miss Finley, she was a great teacher too. Some of my other very good teachers were Mrs Huntington in English, Mr. Larsen in math, Mr. Tew in Seminary. I had good friends on the "straightline" and we got together often to study, play games and hang out together. Two of our friends were Paul and Robert Hutchings, that summer Paul got really sick and his kidney's failed, he died just before school started when he was only 14 years old. It was a great loss to all of us on the straightline. Paul was the one that taught me to ride a bicycle, milk their cows, pitch and tromp hay, feed the chickens and was a close and good friend. I remember a time after we had helped haul the hay, (this was when it was hauled loose on a trailer and had to have someone on the trailer to tromp in down so it would stay on) there was Paul, Richard, Jim, Robert, me, Arlene, & Willie, we were all helping get that darn hay in and were really tired. after Mr. Hutchings had gone into the house, all of us kids decided to make tunnels through the hay,so we did, not a good thing to do!!! Mr. Hutchings came out and found what we were doing and yelled at us, then made us restack that darn hay so it would compact for the winter feed. THEN we were really tired and just went home because it was almost dark. (But it was really fun to make the tunnels so we could hide in them.)
Ha the happiness of being a kid. I'll bet the tunnels were really fun! Sounds like the tunnels we made in the hymalaya bushes...much to my chagrin when we found out that the hornets also liked being in the tunnels, ouch!!